AMU in a nutshell:
- 122 Labs, 17 Faculties 20 Interdisciplinary Graduate Schools
- 80 000 Students (incl. 10.000 international students)
- 3300 PhD Students 12 Doctoral Schools
- Multidisciplinary & Research-intensive university
- Largest French-speaking university worldwide
- Top 3 French universities labeled “Initiative of Excellence” in 2016 under the French State loan’s Future Investment Programme.
- A territory hosting and contributing to the ITER project on nuclear fusion (in Cadarache)
- Coordinator of CIVIS, a European Civic University, largest “European University” alliance (selected in 2019)
- Cornerstone of the European Capital of Innovation 2023 through the City of Innovation and Knowledge of Aix-Marseille (CISAM) attached to AMU.
Aix-Marseille University was created on 1 January 2012 by the merger of the three pre-existing universities
- Arts, Literature, Languages and Humanities
- Law and Politics
- Economics and Management
- Health
- Science and Technology
AMU undertakes its research activities with the major research organisations of its region (CNRS, INSERM, IRD, INRA, CEA, etc.).
Our participation in the European framework-programme for research and innovation Horizon 2020 (2014-2020)
- 279 projects
- Including 56 ERC grants
- 34 coordinations of collaborative projects
- € 174,5 million in grants
- 1st French University in the FP’s Health Programme
- 2nd French University in grants
- 30th European university in terms of participation
Missions of the Brussels office
Attached to the Cabinet of AMU’s President, the Brussels Office is responsible for:
- Providing latest information on future EU policies and programmes to AMU’s laboratories, faculties and institutes
- Providing laboratories, faculties and institutes with collaboration opportunities
- Facilitating contacts with EU institutions and accompany AMU’s delegations on their visits to Brussels
- Advising the university’s board and management on EU policy, programmes and European strategy