FEUGA is a non-profit private foundation located in the region of Galicia (NW Spain) with over 30 years’ experience fostering technology transfer among the university, industry and society. FEUGA acts as a Knowledge Transfer Office of the three Galician public Universities (University of A Coruña, University of Santiago de Compostela and University of Vigo), and thus works jointly with more than 600 research groups and 200 companies in the region.
FEUGA’s European Programmes Department promotes, advises and encourages the participation of research groups from the Galician universities and industry in European and International Research & Innovation initiatives and actions, offering tailor-made strategies for the transfer of knowledge in EU projects.
Since 2016, FEUGA has a Delegate in Brussels thanks to an agreement with the Regional Ministry of Education to give active support and encourage researchers from the three Galician public Universities to participate in EU funding programmes.
Galician public universities

Presence in Europe

Success stories